
A visualization of air quality data combined with UFO sightings in the United States. Based on the datasets here

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Welcome To The Project!

This site is part of a project in Information Visualization. We have created a dashboard to visualize a dataset containing information on Air Quality and U.F.O. sighitngs.

Click here to see the Dashboard!

How Does It Work?

The visualization consists of four plots. The first is a map, containing markers for the locations of each sighting. The markers can be set to display a specific pollutant, or all pollutants at once using a pie chart. If a single pollutant is selected, the markers are coloured to represent how many sightings were reported there, the darker the marker, the more sightings! The radius of the markers indicates the amount of the pollutant that has been selected, so that we can see any relations between the amount of that pollutant and the number of sightings.

The next plot shows a line graph of the pollutant breakdown over time for a specific location. To display data in that plot, simply click a location on the map that you want to see the data for! The vertical lines indicate a U.F.O. sighting.

The final two plots are histograms that display the number of sightings by state and by month. When examining the state histogram, mousing over a bar will highlight the state on the map corresponding to that data, so you can see where those sightings were.

The entire visualization can be filtered by month and year, and all the plots will update to fit your chosen filter!

Have fun!

Check out the original dataset for more information on the data.