VR Medical Imaging Software

As part of the course CMPT 371: Software Management we were required to participate in a group of other classmates to design, implement and test a software system. I was placed in a team of 10 other members. We were to choose a project from a series of proposals given from stakeholders from around Saskatoon. We chose to work with Luxsonic, a medical imaging startup, to work on their proposal of an image analysis software in Virtual Reality. This project gave us the opportunity to experience different stages of software development, as well as team management.

We worked with our stakeholder to discover what they required from the system, as well as practising radiologists. We chose to develop the software for the Oculus Rift, a VR headset, because it had the option of using the ‘Touch’ controllers. Our goal was to create an intuitive and natural interface for radiologists to work with. There were many challenges with this project, as no one on our team was familiar with VR technology and VR was still relatively new. It was a great opportunity to try something different.

My contributions include requirements gathering, software architecture design, unit testing, documentation organization and writing, research into Oculus Rift technology, participation in bug parties, and implementation of simple shaders for manipulating image properties.

An early version of the interface.